Safety and Infection Control:
RN 9 -15 % LPN 10-16% Protecting clients and health care personnel from environmental hazards.
- Accident/Injury Prevention
- Disaster Planning/Internal & External Plans
- Emergency Response Plan
- Error Prevention
- Medical and Surgical Asepsis
- Reporting of Incident/Event Irregular
- Occurrence/Variance – improper care
- Safe Use of Equipment
- Ergonomic principles
- Handling Hazardous & Infectious Materials
- Home Safety
- Least Restrictive Restraints/Safety Devices
- Security Plan
- Standard Precautions / Transmission-based Precautions
- Substance abuse
Basic Care and Comfort:
RN 6 -12 % / LPN 7-13% Providing comfort and assistance in the performance of activities of daily
- Alternative and Complimentary Therapies
- Assistive Devices
- Elimination
- Mobility/Immobility
- Non-Pharmacological Comfort Interventions
- Nutrition and Oral Hydration
- Palliative/Comfort Care
- Personal Hygiene
- Rest and Sleep
Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies:
RN 12-18 % / LPN 10 -16% Managing and providing care related to the administration of medications
& parenteral therapies.
- Adverse Effects/ Contraindications and Side Effects
- Blood and Blood Products
- Central Venous Access Devices
- Dosage Calculations
- Expected Actions/ Outcomes
- Handling & or Administering High Risk Medications
- Herbal interactions
- Medication Administration
- Parenteral/Intravenous Therapy
- Pharmacological Agents/Actions
- Pharmacological Interactions
- Pharmacological Pain Management
- Total Parenteral Nutrition
Reduction of Risk Potential:
RN 9 -15 % LPN 9 -15% Reducing the likelihood that clients will develop complications or health
problems related to existing conditions, treatments or procedures.
- Apply & Maintain Devices used to promote Venous Return
- Diagnostic Tests & Laboratory Values
- Perform focused data collection based on client condition
- Maintaining Percutaneous Feeding Tube
- Monitoring During Conscious Sedation
- Potential for Complications of Diagnostic Tests/Treatments/Procedures
- Potential for Alterations in Body Systems
- Potential for Complications from Surgical Procedures and Health Alterations
- System Specific Assessments
- Therapeutic Procedures
- Vital Signs throughout the life span/ changes/ abnormalities